#carfentanil #murder #grief
In Episode 226, I continue my conversation with Mareka Cole, in Part II, who shares the death of her 25 year-old sons, Mario to a motorcycle accident and Marek to carfentanil poisoning.
We delve deeper into how Marek died. Carfentanil is 100 times more potent than fentanyl.

Watch the video version here – https://youtu.be/-l-tF1QLvgM Please subscribe, like, comment so our videos rise in the algorithms and more people will see these life altering stories.

Visit Drug Induced Homicide at https://www.druginducedhomicide.org to learn more about the organization where Mareka is the State Representative in Northern California in the Sacramento, California area.
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author, death, dying, grief, grief education, grief education podcast, grief podcast, grief podcaster, grieving journals, journals as gifts, journals as presents, journals for women, journals for writing, loss, Mary M. McCambridge, Mary Mac, mary mac journals, my gratitude journal, my grief journal, my journal, my remembrance journal, podcast for grief, podcaster, podcast for grief education, podcast for grievers, the mary mac journal collection, the mary mac show, writing
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