In Episode 197, I speak with Ed Kobilis, President of the Fentanyl Awareness Coalition, whose son Eddie was 20 when he died by fentanyl poisoning from only one lethal pill.

Before his son was murdered by fentanyl poisoning, Ed was unaware that any one pill could possibly kill his son.
In the past we saw actors taking a bottle of pills, then sent to the hospital, their stomachs pumped and they were good to go.
Unfortunately, our society has changed and one pill, even one half of a pill, can kill almost instantly.

Usually, young people are unaware that what they received is not what they requested.
Instead of getting a percocet, xanax or other drug, which they thought was a prescription drug, they are getting an illegal, illicit, counterfeit fentanyl pill which can kill them instantly.
Even just being exposed to it, can cause a major reaction to our health.

The Fentanyl Awareness Coalition is helping families and making their voices heard so we can decrease this scourge on our children and society, which is leaving hundreds of thousands of parents and families to grieve their deaths.

We also spoke about the 3rd Annual rally on Saturday, September 23rd on the lawn in front of the Washington Monument in Washington, DC. You can find details on Lost Voices of Fentanyl facebook page here.
Watch my interview with Ed here:
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Thank you so much Ed for sharing your story and your time.
We are grateful!