Tag Archives: journals

Introducing The Mary Mac Show Journal Collection

When we grieve the death of a loved one, often we harbor our pain inside and this can do harm to ourselves physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. The job of these journals is to lift those feelings from us to these pages to release all you are dealing with and increase your peace.

In The Mary Mac Show Journal Collection, we offer 4 unique journals for those dealing with grief, loss, death, dying and bereavement.

Our first, ‘my journal’, helps you record your feelings after any type of loss or anticipated loss.

Our second is ‘my grief journal’ which helps you record your journey after the death of a significant person in your life.

The third is ‘my gratitude journal’ which encourages you, as I do in my podcast The Mary Mac Show, to write five things each evening which you are grateful for as well as to help you develop your positive vision for your life.

And our fourth is ‘my remembrance journal’ which gives you a place to add dreams, daydreams, thoughts, prayers, photos, etc. of your special loved one who is no longer with you.

Each group of four journals will have the same cover so you can order a complete set.

But other covers are also available and you might wish to mix and match. And they are wonderful gifts and presents for those struggling with their grief and loss.

The best way to see all my journals is to go to my amazon author page where they will be available to see – www.amazon.com/author/marymac

And remember to take advantage of my podcast – The Mary Mac Show Grieving After a Loved One’s Death – to help you.

With Gratitude,

Mary Mac