Tag Archives: Ask Mary Mac

The Mary Mac Show | Death By Fentanyl Podcast Series | Steve Filson’s 29 yo Daughter Jessica

In Episode 199, I speak with Steve Filson, Secretary of Victims of Illicit Drugs (VOID) about his daughter Jessica’s death at 29 to fentanyl poisoning.

Steve is an Air Force Veteran as well as spending 31 years as a former San Bernardino County Sheriff and in the Police Department in Southern California, including eleven years in the Homicide Squad and five years in Narcotics.

We discuss Jessica’s life and how, after giving birth to her daughter, Elara, was given opioids for the pain associated with an epidural which ultimately caused her continued use of these pills. But it was a laced line of cocaine that poisoned her and Nicholas. Today, Steve and Cherie are raising their granddaughter Elara.

Jessica with daughter Elara and Boyfriend Nicholas

Unfortunately, it was Cherie, her mother, who found Jessica and her boyfriend, Nicholas.

Below is a photo of their family when Jessica was pregnant.

Steve and Cherie Filson with son Trevor and daughter Jessica
Cherie comforting Elara

We also speak about Steve’s advocacy work and the documentary by Dominic Tierno and Christine Wood entitled “Dead On Arrival” exposing the illegal drug trafficking of fentanyl from Mexico featuring four parents who tell their painful stories of how this claimed their children’s lives and the effects on their families.

Please visit the following site to learn more:

“Dead on Arrival” documentary and VOID (Victims of Illicit Drugs) – https://www.stopthevoid.org

Watch the video version of our conversation below:

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Thank you Steve for joining me and sharing your story. I appreciate it!


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author, death, dying, grief, grief education, grief education podcast, grief podcast, grief podcaster, grieving journals, journals as gifts, journals as presents, journals for women, journals for writing, loss, Mary M. McCambridge, Mary Mac, mary mac journals, my gratitude journal, my grief journal, my journal, my remembrance journal, podcast for grief, podcaster, podcast for grief education, podcast for grievers, the mary mac journal collection, the mary mac show, writing

The Mary Mac Show | Death By Fentanyl Podcast Series | Laura Woody’s 29 yo Son Jimmy

In Episode 198, I speak with Laura Woody, administrator of Lost Voices of Fentanyl and Founder of Grandparents Raising Grandchildren While Grieving The Loss Of A Child, about her son Jimmy’s death at 29 to fentanyl poisoning.

Jimmy was involved in music as a young boy and enjoyed his band, James and The Nasty Peach, a thoroughly unique name!

James and The Nasty Peach

He loved his niece and nephew and enjoyed being around them, as seen in the photos below.

Jimmy Woody with Niece and Nephew

And we also spoke about how Grandparents are raising their grandchildren left behind from their children’s death. It takes a toll on parents who were ready to retire and now their savings and time are required to care for what Laura calls “Fentanyl Orphans” and “Fentanyl Grandfamilies” very appropriate titles.

Jimmy engaging with little one

We also spoke about the 3rd Annual rally on Saturday, September 23rd on the lawn in front of the Washington Monument in Washington, DC. You can find details in the press release here.

Please do your best to attend the Rally to show America and its elected officials that they need to do more to help the surviving families and to bring awareness to this lethal drug so less families will need to survive the death of their children.

Watch my interview with Laura here:

Please like, comment and share this episode with others who could benefit from it and subscribe for future episode of this series.

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Your support of my work, through PayPal is greatly appreciated.

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author, death, dying, grief, grief education, grief education podcast, grief podcast, grief podcaster, grieving journals, journals as gifts, journals as presents, journals for women, journals for writing, loss, Mary M. McCambridge, Mary Mac, mary mac journals, my gratitude journal, my grief journal, my journal, my remembrance journal, podcast for grief, podcaster, podcast for grief education, podcast for grievers, the mary mac journal collection, the mary mac show, writing

Thank you so much Laura for sharing your story and your time.

We are grateful!


The Mary Mac Show | Death By Fentanyl Podcast Series | Ed Kobilis’ 20 yo Son Eddie

In Episode 197, I speak with Ed Kobilis, President of the Fentanyl Awareness Coalition, whose son Eddie was 20 when he died by fentanyl poisoning from only one lethal pill.

Eddie Kobilis

Before his son was murdered by fentanyl poisoning, Ed was unaware that any one pill could possibly kill his son.

In the past we saw actors taking a bottle of pills, then sent to the hospital, their stomachs pumped and they were good to go.

Unfortunately, our society has changed and one pill, even one half of a pill, can kill almost instantly.

Eddie Kobilis Forever 20

Usually, young people are unaware that what they received is not what they requested.

Instead of getting a percocet, xanax or other drug, which they thought was a prescription drug, they are getting an illegal, illicit, counterfeit fentanyl pill which can kill them instantly.

Even just being exposed to it, can cause a major reaction to our health.

Ed Kobilis – President, Fentanyl Awareness Coalition

The Fentanyl Awareness Coalition is helping families and making their voices heard so we can decrease this scourge on our children and society, which is leaving hundreds of thousands of parents and families to grieve their deaths.

Ed, Maryann and Michelle

We also spoke about the 3rd Annual rally on Saturday, September 23rd on the lawn in front of the Washington Monument in Washington, DC. You can find details on Lost Voices of Fentanyl facebook page here.

Watch my interview with Ed here:

Please like, comment and share this episode with others who could benefit from it and subscribe for future episode of this series.

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Your support of my work, through PayPal is greatly appreciated.

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author, death, dying, grief, grief education, grief education podcast, grief podcast, grief podcaster, grieving journals, journals as gifts, journals as presents, journals for women, journals for writing, loss, Mary M. McCambridge, Mary Mac, mary mac journals, my gratitude journal, my grief journal, my journal, my remembrance journal, podcast for grief, podcaster, podcast for grief education, podcast for grievers, the mary mac journal collection, the mary mac show, writing

Thank you so much Ed for sharing your story and your time.

We are grateful!


The Mary Mac Show | Death By Fentanyl Podcast Series | April Babcock’s 25 yo son Austen

In Episode 196, I speak with April Babcock, who founded Lost Voices of Fentanyl after the death of her son, Austen at age 25. We speak candidly about how our government is failing us and how this illegal, illicit, counterfeit drug should be considered a weapon of mass destruction.

April Babcock with son Austen as a child
Austen enjoying paintball

One of her goals is to make families aware that this drug is killing over 300 of our youngest people each day! Over 110,000 have been killed in 2022 and the numbers are growing exponentially.

Yet many of our government officials don’t believe this is an issue so families do all they can to make sure these authorities are aware and educated to these crimes.

Just a few of the over 300 killed each day to fentanyl poisoning.

Their 3rd annual rally will be on Saturday, September 23rd on the lawn in front of the Washington Monument in Washington, DC. Please attend whether you are a bereaved parent or someone who supports these families.

Details about the Rally and all its speakers are here on LVOF facebook page/event invite. It starts at 10am – 3pm and then a march to the White House follows.

Visit Lost Voices of Fentanyl – https://www.LVOF.org – where April and her dedicated volunteers are committed to working with bereaved families, communities and politicians about this deadly drug.

Their facebook page – https://www.facebook.com/groups/506404506985344

Their Twitter “X” – https://twitter.com/LVOFentanyl

Watch my interview with April here:

Please share this episode with others who could benefit from it and subscribe for future episode of this series.

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Your support of my work, through PayPal is greatly appreciated.

Visit our other sites:

https://www.MaryMac.info – our primary hub. Pick up our free ebook “21 Things You Must Know About The Grieving Process.”

https://www.TheMaryMacShow.com – for all episodes of my podcast. Join my mailing list here.

The Mary Mac Show You Tube Channel – please subscribe to our channel, like our videos and share.

https://www.GriefAuthority.com – pick up our digital book collection to download immediately upon purchase.

https://www.FoundationForGrievingChildren.org/donate/ – your donation to our cause will be a big help for hurting young ones.

Let’s Be Friends:

Facebook – Ask Mary Mac

LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/in/marymccambridge/

Instagram – @themarymacshowpodcast

Twitter – @askmarymac

author, death, dying, grief, grief education, grief education podcast, grief podcast, grief podcaster, grieving journals, journals as gifts, journals as presents, journals for women, journals for writing, loss, Mary M. McCambridge, Mary Mac, mary mac journals, my gratitude journal, my grief journal, my journal, my remembrance journal, podcast for grief, podcaster, podcast for grief education, podcast for grievers, the mary mac journal collection, the mary mac show, writing

Thank you so much April for sharing your story and your time.

We are grateful!


The Mary Mac Show | Death By Fentanyl Podcast Series | Jim Rauh’s 37 yo Son Thomas

In Episode 195, I speak with Jim Rauh, who founded Families Against Fentanyl after the death of his son, Thomas at the age of 37. We speak candidly about how this illegal, illicit drug should be considered a weapon of mass destruction.

We speak about Jim’s delight when Thomas was born, and later, Thomas’ struggle with drugs. We delve into how his death affected the family as well as Jim’s grief and how he dealt with it.

He created Families Against Fentanyl to help those who came after him and to make the authorities more aware of the deadly destruction fentanyl is having on our nation and its young people.

Jim sued and won an $18 million judgment against the Chinese drug trafficking organization that caused his son’s death. And while he may never collect it, he continues to campaign to have illicit fentanyl declared a Weapon of Mass Destruction in the United States.

Fentanyl is now the leading cause of death in 15-48 year olds.

Jim Rauh and son Thomas

Visit Families Against Fentanyl – https:www.familiesagainstfentanyl.org/ to learn more. Join their facebook here – https://www.facebook.com/familiesagainstfentanyl.

Watch the video version here:

Jim will also be speaking at the Lost Voices of Fentanyl Rally in Washington, DC on Saturday, September 23rd at the Washington Monument. Learn more here.

Thank you Jim for your time and sharing your story with us.

We are grateful!


Please share this episode with others who could benefit from it and subscribe to be alerted to future episodes.

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Visit our other sites:

https://www.MaryMac.info – our primary hub. Pick up our free ebook “21 Things You Must Know About The Grieving Process.”

https://www.TheMaryMacShow.com – for all episodes of my podcast. Join my mailing list here.

The Mary Mac Show You Tube Channel – https://www.youtube.com/@themarymacshow – please subscribe to our channel, like our videos and share.

https://www.GriefAuthority.com – pick up our digital book collection to download immediately upon purchase.

https://www.FoundationForGrievingChildren.org/donate/ – your donation to our cause will be a big help for hurting young ones.

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LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/in/marymccambridge/
Instagram – @themarymacshowpodcast
Twitter – @askmarymac

author, death, dying, grief, grief education, grief education podcast, grief podcast, grief podcaster, grieving journals, journals as gifts, journals as presents, journals for women, journals for writing, loss, Mary M. McCambridge, Mary Mac, mary mac journals, my gratitude journal, my grief journal, my journal, my remembrance journal, podcast for grief, podcaster, podcast for grief education, podcast for grievers, the mary mac journal collection, the mary mac show, writing