In Episode 203, I speak with Terry Almanza, Founder, Director and CEO of Drug-Induced Homicide Foundation, about her daughter Sydney’s death at age 18 to ecstasy poisoning.
Terry is a former Chicago Police Officer having served 28 years on the job and now is committed to helping others through her organization who have had children die of poisonings.
She believes drug dealers are getting away with murder and encourages others to push for better laws and justice in their communities.

The Drug-Induced Homicide Foundation is helping families and making their voices heard so we can decrease this scourge on our children and society, which is leaving hundreds of thousands of parents and families to grieve their deaths. You can also join their facebook group here.
Watch my interview with Terry here:
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author, death, dying, grief, grief education, grief education podcast, grief podcast, grief podcaster, grieving journals, journals as gifts, journals as presents, journals for women, journals for writing, loss, Mary M. McCambridge, Mary Mac, mary mac journals, my gratitude journal, my grief journal, my journal, my remembrance journal, podcast for grief, podcaster, podcast for grief education, podcast for grievers, the mary mac journal collection, the mary mac show, writing
Thank you so much Terry for sharing your story and your time.
We are grateful!