Tag Archives: immune system

Tapping to Release Fear of Corona Virus

With so much panic and fear bursting out in the world over the Corona Virus, I thought I’d lend a wonderful video by my favorite practitioner of The Emotional Freedom Technique, Brad Yates.

Know as EFT or Tapping, we use this process to tap on the meridian lines of our bodies which run north to south, to help with emotional and physical pain.

Right now it’s very important that we stay calm which will keep our immune system strong.

When we are laced with fear, anxiety and panic we reduce our immune system and this we don’t want.

If you’ve never seen this before, I’m sure you think it’s quite silly. But, believe me, it’s not.

It has helped me and millions of people all around the world to live an emotionally stable life without the use of drugs, legal or illegal, to comfort us and keep us moving forward in life.

Whatever you are dealing with, EFT is the way to go!

Below is a specific tapping round by Brad Yates to help you deal with whatever may be going on for you regarding the corona virus outbreak.

If you need to do the tapping round several times before you feel better, then do so.

You can do it each morning and evening and anytime in between. It’s a valuable tool for your mental health.

If you are dealing with other issues, you would do well to visit Brad’s YouTube Channel for anything that ails you.

And if you wish to find more tapping sessions with Brad regarding emotional challenges, visit my podcast, The Mary Mac Show, where I have various videos ties to many of my episodes.  You will find the links in the show notes.

Blessings to you!  Be wise.