The Mary Mac Show | Remembering The Good

The Mary Mac Show Podcast

In Episode 151, we discuss how we remember our loved ones who have died and the need to look at the good instead of the sorrowful memories.

After the death of a loved one, we spending a great amount of energy as we deal with our pain and sorrow.

And as the years go by, we may find ourselves still stuck in that state.

Yet, it’s not physically and emotionally healthy to allow ourselves to do this.

One way to help us lift ourselves up is to remember the good about the person we loved.

Remember the special moments with them.

Release more of the difficult, painful memories you had with them so you can feel lighter.

Everything that you shared together is in the past and while it’s hard to hear, nothing will change that relationship.

All you can do is take the time to remember the softer moments, fun times, the happier times.

If you do what I recommend at the end of each podcast, to write 5 things each night in your gratitude journal, you will soon see that you feel better.

You will see that your outlook on life lifts for the better.

Right now, with everything that is going on in the world, and add to that your bereavement, it is very important that you do this.

Take the time you need to uplift yourself each day by journaling and remembering moments in your relationship that you are grateful for.

Remember to be good to yourself, my warrior. Let others help you.

Additional Notes:

Learn EFT to calm your intense emotions. Visit here.

Meditation Videos to help you rest. Choose which resonate with you.

If you need help learning about the grieving process, instead of being unsure if what you’re feeling is natural and normal, please pick up my Bundle of Hope set of books at Grief Authority.

Please share with anyone you know who might benefit from this knowledge. Also subscribe/follow to my podcast on whichever podcast platform you listened in.


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