Tag Archives: griefpodcaster

The Mary Mac Show | Guilt After A Sudden Death

The Mary Mac Show Podcast

In Episode 110, we look at the guilt we feel when someone we love has died suddenly and how we can help ourselves release this pain.

Sudden death leaves us in shock and despair.

We never thought they would die when we least expected it or in the manner they did.

It may have been an medical event, like a heart attack, stroke, aneurysm.

It may have been an accident, like a car accident, dying in a plane crash, falling from the roof, hit by a car or other such dramatic loss.

It may have been horrific as in the case of murder, suicide, drug overdose, even terrorism.

Or it may have been a military, law enforcement, firefighter, EMT or other first responder death.

However your loved one died, a sudden death leaves us overwhelmed and unable to believe when, where and how they died.

In this episode, we talk about the ways we can help ourselves after someone we love has died suddenly.

Bless you, my friend. My warrior!


Additional Notes:

Visit Crisis Connections at my website to telephone a trained counselor to speak with whenever you are feeling overwhelmed, confused, frightened, fearful or any host of emotions.

Learn the Emotional Freedom Technique here for Stress and Overwhelm. It will soothe you and calm you physically and emotionally. Also spend time in this guided meditation on Self Compassion, which we all need. Dr. Arianna also offers many wonderful tapping and guided-meditations to choose from based upon which is best for you.

You can watch Marissa Peer’s “I Am Enough” meditation.

Bach’s Rescue Remedy in the small yellow box is an excellent way to help yourself when youare overwhelmed. Just place a few drops on your tongue and relax. It doesn’t have alcohol in it, so if you are sensitive in this way, be aware. Available at your local healthfood store or online.

Treat yourself to a lovely gift from our Heart of Gold “I Remember” Products from The Mary Mac Store.

Remember, a portion of all proceeds help fund The Foundation for Grieving Children, Inc., the first national non-profit public charity which benefits children, teens, young adults after a loved one’s death which I established many years ago.

And remember to sign up for my private list below, so we can always stay in touch. Since social media is no longer reliable, please complete the form below so I can connect with you via email.


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The Mary Mac Show | New Year For You

The Mary Mac Show Podcast

In Episode 109, we look at the new year, what we have planned for ourselves and how to focus on the positive in our lives even though we are still grieving.

When the New Year approaches we tend to take stock of the last year and consider new goals that will serve us, especially when we are grieving.

In this episode, we journal through each area of our lives, emotional, physical, social, intellectual, spiritual, financial and more so we can look at what we truly want in our lives.

Then we get to start moving toward those goals.

And, yes, even when we are hurting.

Because if we don’t have something to look forward to, we will sink into the blues and I don’t want that for you.

Take the time to listen in and take the time to set a plan for 2022.

Additional Notes:

If you are having an especially difficult time emotionally, I recommend you speak with a specialist at a hotline near you. Here you will find hotlines all around the world. Trained counselors are there to listen, free of charge, to what’s going on with you. Take advantage of their great kindness. Vent with an objective individual. You don’t have to be ‘suicidal’ to call them, but if you are, that’s the best place to call. Don’t hestitate!

For parents and teens, there is an amazing resource where you can email or text counselors for help at The Boys Town National Hotline! Outstanding assistance for your children and you.

Visit Julie Schiffman as she taps on Being Your Best Self in the New Year. Even though this particular video is a few years old, I still love how she taps!

Here are some meditation music to help you rest.

You can order your Bach’s Rescue Remedy from most health food stores, either in person or online. Remember, these do have alcohol in them.

I use the Rescue Remedy 20ml drops but they have spray and other versions which might work better for you. And…they also have products to calm pets, too.

*To find a homeopathic doctor, visit here or here. Many offer phone consultations if you cannot find one in your area. They work with patients around the globe. You can also research in your area of the world.

Grab my free ebook, 21 Things You Need to Know About the Grieving Process, right here on my site.

Please share with anyone who may need to know this. Also subscribe, rate and review this podcast on whichever podcast platform you listened in.


The Mary Mac Show | Trusting Ourselves

The Mary Mac Show Podcast

In Episode 108, we consider how best to trust ourself to know what we need during the grieving process and not allow others to dictate how we grieve or our timeframe.

There will always be people in your life who wish to manipulate you in one way or another.

Either expecting too much from you.

Expecting that you should be over this by now.

Expecting that you should be exactly the way you were before your loved one died.

But that isn’t going to happen because you’ve changed.

So in this episode we look at how to trust yourself.

Trust your timing.

Trust that you know what you need as you grieve.

And if you don’t, you’ll take the time to figure it out.

Because grief changes us and the last thing we need is to be made to feel guilty to accommodate the needs of others who do not have our best interests at heart.

People who put on a good face, but underneath really don’t care for us.

So it’s up to us to be around people who love us. Truly love us.

And who want the best for us, no matter how difficult life is right now.

Listen to that little small voice inside.

And take action based on it.

Bless you, my Warrior!

Additional Notes:

Help yourself by learning the Emotional Freedom Technique on how to trust yourself.

Here are some meditation music to help you rest.

Grab my free ebook, 21 Things You Need to Know About the Grieving Process, right here on my site.

Please share with anyone who may need to know this. Also subscribe, rate and review this podcast on whichever podcast platform you listened in.

The Mary Mac Show | Loving Ourselves

The Mary Mac Show Podcast

This week, in Episode 107 on my podcast, we discuss how to allow others to love us through our grieving process and how we can love others, as well.

At the beginning of our grief, we spend a great deal of time concentrating on all that has happened to our loved one.

How they died, perhaps how long they suffered, and all the arrangements that needed to be handled.

When all that is over, instead of loving ourselves, we often go on a journey of ‘doing’ instead of ‘being’.

We don’t give ourselves the love and care that we so desperately need.

We neglect our needs and worry, mostly, about others in our family.

This week, especially as we move into Christmas, please take time to reevaluate what YOU need now in your life.

What will make you happier. (And, yes, you’re entitled to happiness!)

You’ve done so much for others.

It’s YOUR time now.

Join me in listening in to Episode 107 to take a closer look at how to love ourselves, even while in pain.

Additional Notes:

Marisa Peer’s “Loving Yourself” and I Am Enough, and a compilation of other wonderful videos on this topic – must watch!

Visit this compilation of loving yourself EFT videos by Julie Schiffman who will teach you the Emotional Freedom Technique. Her videos calm your spirit and help you release emotional and physical pain as you move forward.

Here are some meditation music video choices to help you rest.

Grab my free ebook, 21 Things You Need to Know About the Grieving Process, right here on my site.

Also, I hope you will support my podcast by clicking on the cup right here on the website. It is much appreciated.

Please share with anyone who may benefit from this knowledge. Also subscribe, rate and review this podcast on whichever podcast platform you listened in.


The Mary Mac Show | The Gift of Remembrance

The Mary Mac Show Podcast

In Episode 106, we discuss how we remember our loved ones who have died and the need to concentrate on the good instead of the sorrowful memories.

We spend so much energy remembering the first months after their death which bring all the pain and sorrow.

And, often, these times linger for much longer than is healthy.

People who don’t allow themselves to live again after a loved one’s death, can cause themselves to suppress their immune system and cause disease in their body.

In this episode, I encourage you to honor the memory of your loved one, but to also begin, if you haven’t already, to concentrate on the good times you enjoyed together.

To remember the fun things you did together; the heartfelt moments with them.

Remember to be good to yourself, my warrior. Let others help you.

Additional Notes:

Learn EFT to calm your intense emotions. Visit here.

Meditation Videos to help you rest. Choose which resonate with you.

And remember to pick up my ebook Holiday Grief: How To Cope With Stress, Anxiety and Depression After a Loved One’s Death right here on my site on the left hand margin to help you.

Please share with anyone you know who might benefit from this knowledge. Also subscribe/follow to my podcast on whichever podcast platform you listened in.
