Tag Archives: podcast

The Mary Mac Show | Conversations About Death and Dying

The Mary Mac Show Podcast

In Episode 90, we discuss the importance of speaking about death and dying preferably long before imminent death is upon our relatives and loved ones.

There is no doubt this is an uncomfortable topic, but one we need to discuss.

In this day and age, we have no idea when terminal illness and death will visit ourselves or our family.

And since so much is uncertain with variants of a virus that has consumed so much of the last year and a half, not to mention how the vaccine has killed people, we live in a specifically uncertain time.

It is true that if we didn’t have to deal with this, we wouldn’t.

It is uncomfortable.

Many people find it hard to talk about death and dying.

We’d rather leave it up to someone else.

But don’t let fear stop you from truly connecting with someone you love during the end days.

Sometimes death comes very quickly and it would be sad if you hadn’t had a conversation around death long before it ever occurred in your relationship with them.

If you had this conversation when they were well, or when they were diagnosed with an illness, you would capture a very wonderful connection with them.

There would be no regrets.

You would have said all you’d like to say to someone who meant so much to you.

We don’t know what the future holds these days. Life is so fragile now.

Take the time to think about this.

If it’s too sensitive to speak all you want to say aloud, do so in writing.

Either way, your soul will be at peace and no matter what happens in the future, you are settled.

Personally, I am thinking about writing out letters to the most important people in my life to acknowledge those who have helped me, loved me and let them know how grateful I feel to have them in my life.

With all that’s happening in this world, we could leave this life in an instant.

Use the time you have to make a difference.

Love you.

Additional Notes:

If you are ill or grieving a loved one’s death, take the time to research a hotline with trained counselors to speak with.

The very best individuals to connect with are those who are suffering your exact type of death. Go here.

If my podcast has helped you, I’d love for you to buy me a coffee to show your support! Thanks!

The Mary Mac Show | Grieving For Our Infertility

The Mary Mac Show Podcast

In Episode 89, we discuss the grief of not being able to get pregnant, the isolation when we choose not to share this with others, and alternatives some couples decide to take to build a family.

Most couples expect that when they decide to bring a new life into the world to add to their family, that it will be seamless. It will be easy and pregnancy will occur once they no longer use contraception.

Yet for many couples they are shocked when they have been disappointed for many months.

Specialists believe that when a couple cannot naturally conceive within a year of trying, they are then considered infertile.

And the grief that comes with that knowledge is one that is unexpected and sometimes, disenfranchised because as they proceed, they tend not to share this knowledge with others in the hope that pregnancy will occur in another month or so.

But during this time, they can feel isolated because they don’t want the entire world to know their pain and troubles.

In Episode 89, we discuss the pain of infertility and various options couple take toward having their own family.

Not being able to have your own family is, by far, a grief no one expects to endure.

Sending you my love. xoxo

Additional Notes:

If my podcast has helped you, I’d love your support by buying me a coffee.

My book Understanding Your Grieving Heart After a Loved One’s Death is perfect for those beginning their journey. Click here to get yours by downloading it immediately.

Visit www.Resolve.org to help you meet others who are grieving for their infertility, offering virtual support groups and information.

Use the Emotional Freedom Technique for Infertility. Simply search “EFT for Infertility” on the web. Will help you so much.

You can watch Marissa Peer’s “I Am Enough” meditation.

Treat yourself to a lovely gift from our Heart of Gold “I Remember” Products from The Mary Mac Store.

Remember, a portion of all proceeds help fund The Foundation for Grieving Children, Inc., the first national non-profit public charity which benefits children, teens, young adults after a loved one’s death which I established many years ago.

And remember to sign up for my private email list so we can always stay in touch, since social media is no longer reliable. Receive my ebook 21 Things You Must Know About The Grieving Process for immediate download.

The Mary Mac Show | Grieving the Death of a Sibling

The Mary Mac Show Podcast

In Episode 88, we discuss our feelings and pain after the death of a sister or brother, stepsister or stepbrother, the nuances of our relationship and how to help ourselves through the grieving process.

A sibling’s death is a very painful and usually unexpected death.

We knew them almost all our lives, were brought up together, loved each other through thick and thin.

We expected to grow old with them, raise our children together, go on vacations together, enjoy family gatherings together for holidays, events and other life events.

We expected that they would be there for us when we had difficulty emotionally because most times they were our go-to person growing up and now that they’ve died or were killed, whom do we turn to when times become hard.

Experiencing the death of a brother, sister, stepbrother or stepsister, whom we were raised with, is something that shocks us to our core.

This was not supposed to happen.

Our parents were supposed to die first, not them!

Listen in to today’s episode to learn more about your responses and others’ reactions after you’ve experienced a sibling’s death.

Your grief will be intertwined with your sister or brother-in-law’s who lost their spouse, your parents who have now lost a child, and your grandparents who have lost a grandchild.

Also remember your own spouse and children may be highly affected too.

Sending you my love. xoxo

Additional Notes:

My book Understanding Your Grieving Heart After a Loved One’s Death is perfect for those beginning their journey. Click here to get yours by downloading it immediately.

Visit Crisis Connections at my website to telephone a trained counselor to speak with whenever you are feeling lonely, overwhelmed, confused, frightened, fearful or any host of emotions. Even if it is a suicide hotline, do not think they cannot help you. You do not need to feel suicidal to speak with these wonderful counselors. They are there to listen to you.

Use the Emotional Freedom Technique for Healing.

You can watch Marissa Peer’s “I Am Enough” meditation.

Treat yourself to a lovely gift from our Heart of Gold “I Remember” Products from The Mary Mac Store.

Remember, a portion of all proceeds help fund The Foundation for Grieving Children, Inc., the first national non-profit public charity which benefits children, teens, young adults after a loved one’s death which I established many years ago.

And remember to sign up for my private email list so we can always stay in touch, since social media is no longer reliable. Receive my ebook 21 Things You Must Know About The Grieving Process for immediate download.

We’d love your support for our podcast and the work I do for grieving individuals. Buy me a coffee is an easy way to help me. Click on the purple coffee cup on this page! Thanks.

The Mary Mac Show | The Power of Embrace

The Mary Mac Show Podcast

In Episode 87, we look at the value of hugs, embraces and touch to ward off despair, depression, fear, stress, disease, loneliness and isolation after a loved one’s death and instead soak in love, peace and calm.

Many of us don’t truly understand the great need to be held, hugged, embraced each day.

Especially when we are grieving a loved one’s death, it is all the more important.

Being held gives us a chance to release into their arms where calm and peace reside.

And it is needed for all ages. From a small infant to the elderly, every one needs this comfort, this security.

Many times, a person who is grieving get the release of crying into the chest or shoulder of another caring person. And they need that.

And if we are isolated or don’t have others around us, perhaps because we are widowed, live alone, are single, etc. it is important to have a pet or stuffed animal which we can cuddle with, stroke, snuggle with, sleep with just to have that connection.

Do you notice how young children love stuffed animals that they tuck under their arm and sleep with at night.

It brings them security and comfort.

And don’t you be embarrassed to do the same thing if you are alone and have no pet.

As I mention in my podcast this week, the light pink stuffed bear I bought for my grandmother gave her great comfort and when she died, I took it and still have it on my closet shelf.

I look at it all the time and it reminds me of her, but at times I hold it and stroke it and it comforts me.

So if we aren’t able to be around others, especially now with the pandemic dictating way too many months of isolation, get a stuffed or real animal to keep you company.

Speak to it, sleep with your furbaby, let it make you smile.

You need that to reduce stress, disease, anxiety, despair and depression.

Do it now so no matter what the future brings, you will have your friend there for you.

And whenever you are able to meet up with others face to face, make sure you reach open your arms and simply say “I need a hug.”

Be kind to yourself.

Sending you my love. xoxo

Additional Notes:

My book Understanding Your Grieving Heart After a Loved One’s Death is perfect for those beginning their journey. Click here to get yours by downloading it immediately.

Visit Crisis Connections at my website to telephone a trained counselor to speak with whenever you are feeling lonely, overwhelmed, confused, frightened, fearful or any host of emotions. Even if it is a suicide hotline, do not think they cannot help you. You do not need to feel suicidal to speak with these wonderful counselors. They are there to listen to you.

Use the Emotional Freedom Technique for Healing.

You can watch Marissa Peer’s “I Am Enough” meditation.

Treat yourself to a lovely gift from our Heart of Gold “I Remember” Products from The Mary Mac Store.

Remember, a portion of all proceeds help fund The Foundation for Grieving Children, Inc., the first national non-profit public charity which benefits children, teens, young adults after a loved one’s death which I established many years ago.

And remember to sign up for my private email list so we can always stay in touch, since social media is no longer reliable. Receive my ebook 21 Things You Must Know About The Grieving Process for immediate download.

The Mary Mac Show | Pet Loss II

The Mary Mac Show Podcast

In Episode 86, we continue to speak about Pet Loss and the many situations you encounter after your beloved pet’s death.

Whether this might be the first time you have experienced a pet’s death or not, that lovable furbaby was a huge part of your life and helped you get through many difficult times.

They may have been there through the death of a significant person and you snuggled with them, cried in their coat, loved when them came to console you.

They were much more than just an animal; they were your constant companion through very sorrowful times.

If you find yourself struggling with whom to speak with about your pain, don’t trust yourself to reach out to someone who won’t be supportive of your grief. Many people can’t understand the extent of your grief for a pet; after all it’s just a cat, just a dog to them.

Rather, reach out to those who will understand your pain.

I’ve created a specific Pet Loss page on my website where you can find the best people who will honor your grief. Some organizations, like Veterinarian Medical Schools, have hotlines staffed by those studying to become Veterinarians.

You can also go to my Crisis Resource tab on this website, where you can call hotlines staffed by ready and waiting trained counselors all over the world, who are willing to listen to all your pain, after a pet’s or your favorite person’s death. USE THEM!!

There is no need to stuff your pain inside and isolate yourself when you can speak with someone who understands it.

Additional Notes:

Here are some meditation music to help you rest.

You can order your Bach’s Rescue Remedy by clicking on the link below and then tab at the top of their page for Rescue Remedy Products. Remember, these do have alcohol in them.

I use the Rescue Remedy 20ml drops but they have spray and other versions which might work better for you. And…they also have products to calm pets, too.

*To find a homeopathic doctor, visit here or here. Many offer phone consultations if you cannot find one in your area. They work with patients around the globe. You can also research in your area of the world.

Grab my free ebook, 21 Things You Need to Know About the Grieving Process, right here on my site.

Please share with anyone who may need to know this. Also subscribe, rate and review this podcast on whichever podcast platform you listened in.
