After much thought and many months of research and education of how to create a podcast, my show is finally here.
Decades ago I thought it would be wonderful to have a radio show on the grieving process after someone had died. I looked into it a few times and each time the cost was exorbitant.
As years passed and podcasting came about, I considered this media as a much better alternative for many reasons.
First, whatever I created could be hosted online forever for a much lesser charge.
Secondly, the work I did would be accessable to everyone, anywhere in the world they may be.
Thirdly, as time goes on, and a newly bereaved individual finds The Mary Mac Show, they will be able to start at the beginning or jump around to the episode which resonates with them for that period of time in their grieving process.
And lastly, it gave me a place to speak with the hurting directly, easily, intimately and share my over three decades of knowledge and lifelong pain from my own grief experiences.
So I’ve worked long days and nights over the last few months learning all I needed to know about how to set up a podcast. There is so much to learn!
The first person that needs thanking is Kayleigh Hanlin, co-Founder of Empowered Minds whom I met at a conference in September. Her organization helps children to live a life of self-love, self-acceptance and self-confidence through workshops and using their book The J.O.Y. Journal (Just Be You)!
She graciously introduced me to her cousin Justyn Bostick and his podcast Creating The Game. Justyn helped guide me through the podcast process and we had a wonderful conversation which led to an interview on his podcast.
Although I’ve never met them, I’d also like to thank Pat Flynn, whose site Smart Passive Income includes his podcasts The SPI Show and The Ask Pat Show. His videos on podcasting are outstanding.
John Lee Dumas‘ podcast, Entrepreneurs On Fire or Fire Nation, also has a detailed course on podcasting which was invaluable to me.
Yet the most important person to acknowledge is my David. His support and encouragement through these very long days made this possible. He listened through all the struggles, offered advice, and stayed awake till all hours of the night while I worked on the computer to create this baby. I am truly blessed to have him in my life. Thank you so much, David.
To all who helped my podcast become a reality, I appreciate your generosity of spirit.
Go to The Mary Mac Show to listen to my welcome podcast and learn more!
P.S. It is important to start with Episode 1 and work your way through. I have a method to my madness in that I incorporate several exercises within the first number of episodes which are foundational so even when the holidays have passed, please start from the beginning. Thank you.