Tag Archives: bereavement

The Mary Mac Show | What to Say to Comfort a Grieving Friend or Relative

The Mary Mac Show PodcastExactly what do you say to a friend or relative who is grieving a loved one’s death?

If you have never experienced this situation or if you have in the past and realized you really needed more knowledge on how to be more sensitive to the bereaved needs, this podcast is for you.

People who have experienced a loved one’s death need our love and compassion, our tenderness, sensitivity and, above all, to not make the pain worse.

If this is their first loss, they may not know what they need from you.

They may not know what the right words are that will comfort them.

But we do. We’ve been down this road way too many times.

Learn from us!

So listen in to Episode 124 where we give you specific language to help you support that special friend or relative who is grieving a loved one’s death.

Much Love,

Mary Mac

Additional Notes:

You can obtain my free ebook entitled 21 Things You Must Know About The Grieving Process, available for immediate download right here on this site.

If you need knowledge as to what to expect when you’re grieving, visit www.GriefAuthority.com and pick up my 3 Book Bundle of Hope which you can immediately download 24/7 anywhere in the world. It is important to not guess if what you’re feeling is part of this process. With my books, you will know what happens during this time so you’ll have your mind at ease. Go get them now.

If you are grieving a loved one’s death, take the time to research a hotline with trained counselors to speak with.

The Mary Mac Show | When There Is No Funeral

The Mary Mac Show Podcast

In Episode 123, we talk about how to handle our grief when there is no body to bury and/or what to do when it’s not possible or preferred to have a traditional funeral.

In most parts of the world and within most cultures, it is traditional to have a last event, a funeral, to honor the dead in our family.

But with the pandemic and with war raging in this world, that may not have been possible in the recent past or in the near future.

During World War II, families who helped liberate European countries were fortunate to even know where their loved one’s died.

And there are military cemeteries in many parts of the world who honored those families by burying their fathers, sons, brothers and other loved ones.

There is also the unexpectedness of not having a body to bury.

People who were blown away in tornadoes and could not be found.

Those who were murdered, possibly dismembered.

Those who died in fires, airplane crashes, though terrorism, war, drowning in the ocean or other bodies of water, run over by trains, found months or even years later and their body is decomposed.

Even from explosions in war, in building collapses, earthquakes and volcanoes where bodies could not be recovered, avalanches.

No one ever expects that their body will not be found and buried but this happens more than we know.

And with the high cost of a funeral (upward of $10,000 USD) many families don’t have the resources to do this.

So cremation is an alternative.

But what about a funeral?

Many people are opting to something different to still commemorate their loved ones and we speak about those various ways in this week’s episode.

Listen in to Episode 123 and leave a comment below how you chose to honor your loved one. What ceremonies worked for you?

Bless you my friend.

Additional Notes:

You can obtain my free ebook entitled 21 Things You Must Know About The Grieving Process, available for immediate download right here on this site.

If you need knowledge as to what to expect when you’re grieving, visit www.GriefAuthority.com and pick up my 3 Book Bundle of Hope which you can immediately download 24/7 anywhere in the world. It is important to not guess if what you’re feeling is part of this process. With my books, you will know what happens during this time so you’ll have your mind at ease. Go get them now.

If you are grieving a loved one’s death, take the time to research a hotline with trained counselors to speak with.

The Mary Mac Show | The Power of Prayer

The Mary Mac Show Podcast

In Episode 122, we discuss how prayer will help you find peace and comfort you during your grieving process after a loved one’s death.

There are many people who discount the power of prayer. But it is something that can bring us peace, if we let it.

In this day and age, it isn’t that ‘cool’ to attend church on Sunday or to honor God’s word to keep the sabbath holy.

For us that means watching services online and taking time each week to put Him first.

Prayer is not something many discuss but when we are grieving a loved one’s death, it can bring us back to a calm, peaceful place.

And when we are in such a difficult place in our lives, prayer can be a great help when chaos seems to be all around us.

Take time today to listen in to Episode 122.

You might wonder if you’ll get anything out of it.

But I believe rebuilding or developing a prayer life will help you tremendously with your grief.

And yes you might be wrestling with your anger at God for what you think He did or didn’t do when your loved one died or was killed.

But flipping that around to gaining his peace, the peace that passes all understanding, is by far more comforting than handling all your emotions alone.

One of my favorite songs is “What a Beautiful Name.” I realize this is part of my faith, but it might really soothe you, regardless. When you realize it has 435 million views, it obviously resonates mightily with people around the world!

Bless you my friend.

Additional Notes:

You can obtain my free ebook entitled 21 Things You Must Know About The Grieving Process, available for immediate download right here on this site.

If you need knowledge as to what to expect when you’re grieving, visit www.GriefAuthority.com and pick up my 3 Book Bundle of Hope which you can immediately download 24/7 anywhere in the world. It is important to not guess if what you’re feeling is part of this process. With my books, you will know what happens during this time so you’ll have your mind at ease. Go get them now.

If you are grieving a loved one’s death, take the time to research a hotline with trained counselors to speak with.

The very best individuals to connect with are those who are suffering your exact type of death. Go here.

The Mary Mac Show | The Power of Faith

The Mary Mac Show Podcast

In Episode 121, we discuss how our faith is affected after a loved one’s death and ways to reestablish a firm foundation with our God.

One of the most difficult issues we deal with during our grieving process is what role God will play in your life.

Some rely on Him from day one and others fall into a love/hate role with Him.

Both are to be expected and some will go back and forth between that love and hate relationship.

We are not perfect human beings…we just aren’t.

We can’t figure out what His role in this death was.

Where was He when our loved one needed him at the end of their life?

That record goes around and around in our head.

And we try desperately to come to terms with it.

In Episode 121, we look at all these issues. The good, bad and even ugly.

And we share a strategy to move closer to Him in an attempt to draw in His comfort and love.

Take some time today to learn more.

Bless you my friend.

Additional Notes:

You can obtain my free ebook entitled 21 Things You Must Know About The Grieving Process, available for immediate download right here on this site.

If you are grieving a loved one’s death, take the time to research a hotline with trained counselors to speak with.

The very best individuals to connect with are those who are suffering your exact type of death. Go here.

If my podcast has helped you, I’d love for you to buy me a coffee to show your support! My thanks!

The Mary Mac Show | Introducing Grief Authority

I’m excited to introduce you to Grief Authority!

I’ve been working on this new site for several months and it’s been in my mind and heart and on my vision board for years.

Many sleepless nights to make my deadline of March 20th and we made it.

I’m grateful, especially to David, who always has my back. Thank you for all your love, support and encouragement and for always understanding when I was behind on laundry, dinner or arriving in bed closer to 3 or 4 am.

Thank you also to all the people who helped me make this happen because there were a lot of technical skills I needed which were better found outside of my abilities. My thanks to all of them!

I’m thrilled to share this new website with you because I know it will help you and the bereaved all over the world.

Listen in to Episode 120 or read the transcript below to learn more about it!


Did you know that on our planet, over 60 million people die every year and approximately 3.4 million die in the United States alone, leaving hundreds of millions of individuals to survive their deaths.

To help, we’ve created a new website specifically to meet the needs of individuals and families around the globe who are searching for just the right knowledge after they’ve experienced the death of a loved one.

At this point, we have listeners to the Mary Mac Show podcast in over 80 countries and we’re considered in the top 5% of podcasts worldwide.

Many listeners have expressed a frustration in many parts of the world, that they cannot gain access to the information they need after a loved one’s death, as quickly as they would like.

Consequently, GriefAuthority.com was born to fill that need for grieving families wherever they may live and whatever time of the day it might be.

When a survivor is in great emotional pain, they are searching for answers at 2:00 in the morning. They can’t wait for a printed book to arrive from 3 days to 3 weeks later. They want this information now, when they want it.

Bereaved individuals don’t have the time, energy or desire to waste hours online searching for just the right books and products to help them through their grieving process.

Grief Authority has already taken care of this.

The digital books, courses and other products offered on this site, www.GriefAuthority.com, provide grieving individuals and families with the ability to purchase and download vital information immediately after purchase.

The three most important pieces of information you need as a bereaved individual is how to help yourself as an adult, how to help your children, and how to prepare for the holidays.

We begin with my three signature books, Understanding Your Grieving Heart After a Loved One’s Death, How to Help a Grieving Child After a Loved One’s Death, and Holiday Grief: How to Cope with Stress, Anxiety and Depression After a Loved One’s Death, which are offered in Bundles of Hope to address these needs.

In our chaotic world, we simply don’t know if printed books will be available in the future or how long it might take for them to arrive on our doorstep. This site helps fill the need of the bereaved who are vulnerable and sensitive at this time.

And with the uncertainty we face with wars, pandemics, bioweapons and other unknowns, there will certainly be many more deaths and their survivors will need to be comforted and educated.

It is so important that you learn as much as possible about what you might encounter during your grieving process and this will help decrease the confusion, stress and anxiety you feel at this very painful time in your life.

Once you make a purchase, you will be able to either read your books in your safe personal portal on our website when you login, anywhere you have an internet connection in the world.

Or you can download your purchase to your personal computer, laptop, tablet or phone for safe keeping where you can read it there later.

We also offer a free ebook 21 Things You Must Know About the Grieving Process, which I encourage you to get. This will insure you’re on our mailing list so I can contact you no matter what nonsense FB Twitter think they have in store for us in the future.

I don’t play that game.

To me, the best way to be assured that we communicate regularly is through email.

Now you might have to find us in the beginning in your spam, junk or trash folder and swing us into your inbox, but it’s worth the little bit of searching.

Even gmail accounts have thrown our emails into the ‘all mail’ folder. Did you even know that was a thing? I didn’t. Or their social or promotional folders.

When you have thousands of people in your FB feed, chances are good that unless you’re online at the exact moment I write to you, you won’t ever see my posts.

And that doesn’t work for me.

In the future, I plan to upload more courses that will be very helpful as you move along this journey we call grief.

We are also considering building an exclusive monthly membership giving you the ability to chat with exactly those individuals who are grieving your exact type of death.

And don’t I always say that in my podcasts. That you need to be with people who have your exact type of bereavement.

And this way, you will feel completely understood. And that’s what we want.

If that’s of interest to you, reply to my email when you pick up one of our products.

We also expect to answer your questions either on video or here on the podcast. The email address you need to send your most pressing question about your grieving process will be in our first emails to you.

So I hope you will take a look around at www.GriefAuthority.com and also tell your friends in your online groups or within your circle of influence. You never know who is secretly grieving the death of a loved one or the anticipated death of someone close to them.

So please be kind and share this knowledge.

Thank you for listening in today and we look forward to serving you more through our new site Grief Authority.

Bless you!