Category Archives: Death of a Child

The Mary Mac Show | Happy 50th Birthday Angela

In Episode 156, LaTonya Moore, Esq. and I speak about the criminal justice system after the murder of a loved one and honor my stepdaughter who would have celebrated her 50th birthday today had she not been murdered at the age of 11.

When someone in your life is murdered, it throws you into a world that you never expected.

You start to ask yourself so many questions.

How could this have happened?

How could someone be so malicious, callous, brazen to have taken the life of someone else?

If you’ve been raised to respect others, you just can’t understand how someone could do this.

When someone you love is intentionally killed by another human being, you are left with more questions than answers.

Now we’re not talking about the weapon that was used to kill them.

It really doesn’t matter how they were killed. It matters THAT they were killed and by someone who intentionally killed them.

They had malice in their heart and for whatever reason they took someone’s life, they meant to do them harm.

And having to live with that fact, is extremely mind-blowing.

When LaTonya and I had this conversation in 2015, we delved into the murder of two individuals in her life and all she went through with their trials.

It took us 18 years to have our crime solved – the murder of Angela, my stepdaughter who was killed in 1984 and it took until 2002 just to have an arrest in the case.

Another 2 years to go to trial, 2 weeks to choose a jury, another entire calendar month of February 2004 to sit through the trial and a conviction on the last Friday afternoon of the month.

It was mentally exhausting, financially draining to fly from Florida to Long Island for the trial and the goodwill of friends who we stayed with throughout the trial.

Today Angela would have been 50 years old. All the life we missed over the last 39 years.

Unless you’ve lived through something so horrific, you really can’t comprehend the pain it brings when someone is intentionally taken from you and your family.

I’d like to think she’s resting in heaven and celebrating this day with those who love her.

Happy Birthday, Angela.


Additional Resources:

Parents of Murdered Children –

My 3 book bundle including Understanding Your Grieving Heart After a Loved One’s Death is perfect for those beginning their journey. It is available for immediate download in any part of the world.

Visit Crisis Connections at my website to telephone a trained counselor to speak with whenever you are feeling lonely, overwhelmed, confused, frightened, fearful or any host of emotions. Even if it is a suicide hotline, do not think they cannot help you. You do not need to feel suicidal to speak with these wonderful counselors. They are there to listen to you.

Use the Emotional Freedom Technique for Grief.

You can watch Marissa Peer’s “I Am Enough” meditation.

Treat yourself to a lovely gift from our Heart of Gold “I Remember” Products from The Mary Mac Store.

Remember, a portion of all proceeds help fund The Foundation for Grieving Children, Inc., the first national non-profit public charity which benefits children, teens, young adults after a loved one’s death which I established many years ago. Perhaps you’d like to give a donation in your sibling’s name.

And remember to sign up for my private email list so we can always stay in touch, since social media is no longer reliable. Receive my ebook 21 Things You Must Know About The Grieving Process for immediate download.

We’d love your support for our podcast and the work I do for grieving individuals. Buy me a coffee is an easy way to help me. Click on the purple coffee cup on this page! Thanks.

The Mary Mac Show | Honoring Mothers

The Mary Mac Show Podcast

In Episode 127, we look at all the mothers and mother figures in our life and how their deaths have affected us as well as the grief felt by those who lost children and those waiting to be called “Mom”.

The pain we feel when our mothers die is severe especially if we had a wonderful relationship with them.

But, sometimes, our relationship wasn’t as we would expect and we struggle with the ‘what if’s’ and perhaps guilt that may bring.

Yet whatever the relationship, good or bad, that we had with her, we must forgive ourselves and even her for what you needed that she didn’t or couldn’t give you, for what you and she said to each other that stung, and all the unfinished business that might still linger that neither of you can do anything about anymore.

We also recognize all the mother figures – grandmothers, aunts, stepmothers, foster mothers, older female siblings and others – who raised you and cared for you if your Mom died younger than expected.

We also talk about bereaved mothers who have buried their child, children or even all their children.

Let us not forget all the fathers who raised children and became their mothers as a result of their wives’ deaths, incapacity or abandonment.

Lastly, we look at women who struggle to have children, those who miscarried or had a stillborn child, as well as those who deal with infertility and/or the knowledge that they may never have children of their own. We also remember women who are older now and wished they had children years ago when it was still possible, or those who never found the right husband to raise a family.

This can be a very melancholy day for some. Let us acknowledge them all.


Additional Notes:

To help bring you to emotional stability, visit Julie Schiffman’s youtube channel will teach you the Emotional Freedom Technique. Her videos calm your spirit and help you release emotional and physical pain as you move forward. She has many videos to chose from.

If you need to speak with someone who will understand your pain, visit my Crisis Connection page and find a Crisis Hotline near you. These amazing individuals are trained to help, so do take advantage of their knowledge and help.

Here are some meditation music to help you rest.

*To find a homeopathic doctor, visit here or here. Many offer phone consultations if you cannot find one in your area. They work with patients around the globe. You can also research in your area of the world.

Please share with anyone who may need to know this. Also subscribe, rate and review this podcast on whichever podcast platform you listened in.

The Mary Mac Show | Grieving the Death of a Child

The Mary Mac Show PodcastIn Episode 99, we discuss the death of a child, the overwhelming shock it brings to parents, siblings and other family members and we look at ways to cope and rebuild life without them.

One of the most devastating life experiences is the death of a child.

Whether the death was anticipated, as in the case of illness, or sudden, as in the case of accident, homicide or suicide, the loss of your precious child is something no parent expects to endure in their lifetime.

It goes against the natural order of life. A parent is supposed to die before their child or children.

So when a parent is confronted with this overwhelming event, they are shocked and bewildered. They can’t believe this is happening to them.

It wreaks havoc on their family dynamic, their marriage, their worklife, and the relationships they have with friends and extended family.

Not only are they grieving, but their surviving children and the child’s grandparents are also grieving.

They realize they have so much pain inside themselves and all around them.

And it all needs to be addressed.

In this week’s episode, we look at the many aspects of what happens when a family experiences the death of a child and effective coping skills to help them.

Below, please use the Emotional Freedom Technique to help you stabilize your emotions. It has been a great relief for so many during the grieving process.

Bless you my friend.

Additional Notes:

As you know I am a great believer in the power of the Emotional Freedom Technique.

Here are a few videos that I think will help you tremendously:
EFT Video for Grief after Death of a Loved One, How to do Surrogate EFT.

If you need someone to chat with, don’t be shy. It’s totally confidential. Go to Crisis Connections page on my website to find telephone numbers for Crisis Hotlines around the world.

If you need help finding people who will understand your exact pain, visit my Grief Resources page and look under “Death of a Child.”

Visit my site for additional help, especially my book Understanding Your Grieving Heart After a Loved One’s death, the first and best book to reach for as you deal with your grief and How to Help a Grieving Child After a Loved One’s Death to help your surviving children.

You’re welcome to send your questions to the Contact page on my site.

You can obtain my free ebook entitled 21 Things You Must Know About The Grieving Process, available for immediate download right here on this site.

Please subscribe, rate and review on The Mary Mac Show website or Apple Podcasts!

Please also leave a comment below on this episode.

And I’d love your support of my podcast by buying me a coffee.

Thank you.

The Mary Mac Show | Grieving an Infant Death

The Mary Mac Show PodcastIn Episode 98, we discuss the death of a baby through Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), Sudden Unexpected Infant Death (SUID) or Infant Death where a child dies a few months or years into their life and how their parents and family deal with the unanticipated devastation of their loss.

Losing a baby to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, known as SIDS or Crib Death, is a shocking loss as the child can be perfectly healthy, lays down for a nap or at bedtime and when the parent goes to awaken them, they have died.

No one expects that this will ever happen to a child under the age of one and it leaves parents wondering what could have happened, what they could have done differently, if any of this was their fault.

And the answer is that none of this was their fault and, often, even medical professionals cannot explain crib death.

A child can be perfectly healthy, but still succumb to crib death.

Another Sudden Unexpected Infant Death (SUID) is when a baby is accidentally smothered during the night when a parent leaves the child with them in the parent’s bed and they don’t realize that they rolled on top of the child suffocating it.

Or when a child is strangled by loose bedding or pillows wherever they have been laid down to sleep and cannot move those items by themselves to breathe.

Or when they fall through the railings of the bed and strangle themselves.

And there are also so many other ways infants die – car crashes, homicide, shaken baby syndrome, illnesses like cancer, etc.

Experiencing an infant death is devastating. It leaves the parents numb and wondering exactly how did this happen and often blame themselves.

In Episode 98, we talk about how to help yourself if you are grieving an infant death and how to deal with the reactions that family and friends might have which can also leave you bewildered.

Bless you my friend.

Additional Notes:

As you know I am a great believer in the power of the Emotional Freedom Technique. Here are a few videos that I think will help you tremendously.

EFT Video for Death of an Infant, EFT Video for Grief after Death of a Loved One, How to do Surrogate EFT.

If you need someone to chat with, don’t be shy. It’s totally confidential. Go to Crisis Connections page on my website to find telephone numbers for Crisis Hotlines around the world.

If you need help finding people who will understand your exact pain, visit my Grief Resources page and look under “Infant Death.”

Visit my site for additional help, especially my book Understanding Your Grieving Heart After a Loved One’s death, the first and best book to reach for as you deal with your grief and How to Help a Grieving Child After a Loved One’s Death to help your surviving children.

You’re welcome to send your questions to the Contact page on my site.

You can obtain my free ebook entitled 21 Things You Must Know About The Grieving Process, available for immediate download right here on this site.

Please subscribe, rate and review on The Mary Mac Show website or Apple Podcasts!

And I’d love your support of my podcast by buying me a coffee.

Thank you.

The Mary Mac Show | Grieving the Death of a Sibling

The Mary Mac Show Podcast

In Episode 88, we discuss our feelings and pain after the death of a sister or brother, stepsister or stepbrother, the nuances of our relationship and how to help ourselves through the grieving process.

A sibling’s death is a very painful and usually unexpected death.

We knew them almost all our lives, were brought up together, loved each other through thick and thin.

We expected to grow old with them, raise our children together, go on vacations together, enjoy family gatherings together for holidays, events and other life events.

We expected that they would be there for us when we had difficulty emotionally because most times they were our go-to person growing up and now that they’ve died or were killed, whom do we turn to when times become hard.

Experiencing the death of a brother, sister, stepbrother or stepsister, whom we were raised with, is something that shocks us to our core.

This was not supposed to happen.

Our parents were supposed to die first, not them!

Listen in to today’s episode to learn more about your responses and others’ reactions after you’ve experienced a sibling’s death.

Your grief will be intertwined with your sister or brother-in-law’s who lost their spouse, your parents who have now lost a child, and your grandparents who have lost a grandchild.

Also remember your own spouse and children may be highly affected too.

Sending you my love. xoxo

Additional Notes:

My book Understanding Your Grieving Heart After a Loved One’s Death is perfect for those beginning their journey. Click here to get yours by downloading it immediately.

Visit Crisis Connections at my website to telephone a trained counselor to speak with whenever you are feeling lonely, overwhelmed, confused, frightened, fearful or any host of emotions. Even if it is a suicide hotline, do not think they cannot help you. You do not need to feel suicidal to speak with these wonderful counselors. They are there to listen to you.

Use the Emotional Freedom Technique for Healing.

You can watch Marissa Peer’s “I Am Enough” meditation.

Treat yourself to a lovely gift from our Heart of Gold “I Remember” Products from The Mary Mac Store.

Remember, a portion of all proceeds help fund The Foundation for Grieving Children, Inc., the first national non-profit public charity which benefits children, teens, young adults after a loved one’s death which I established many years ago.

And remember to sign up for my private email list so we can always stay in touch, since social media is no longer reliable. Receive my ebook 21 Things You Must Know About The Grieving Process for immediate download.

We’d love your support for our podcast and the work I do for grieving individuals. Buy me a coffee is an easy way to help me. Click on the purple coffee cup on this page! Thanks.