Have you ever wished you could find a way to calm your emotions and pain without drugs or alcohol or other mind-altering substances?
Well, I asked myself that question for years, suffered in silence and then in the mid-1990’s I learned of an amazing process called The Emotional Freedom Technique, created by Gary Craig, which has given me so much leverage against all the craziness this world dishes out on a regular basis.
Starting Monday, February 24th, 2020, the annual Emotional Freedom Technique/EFT or Tapping Summit will begin an online ten-day summit which is free to join.
Simply click on the above link, sign up with first name and email, and you will learn what this is all about. Yes, it may look and sound silly, but what do you care?
If this is something that will help you deal with all the emotional and physical pain of grieving the death of a loved one, isnt’t it worth your time to check it out?
And EFT is not only for grieving. You can use it for anything that you may be struggling with. From limiting beliefs, to weight loss, to financial challenges, it will work for you.
So take this link and make this happen for yourself each evening. It will be one of the most important teachings you ever take advantage of for both yourself and everyone you love, even your children and teens.
Listen to Episode 12, which I published a little earlier this week (Friday instead of Sunday) so you could spend the weekend learning about it and prepare your week accordingly.
On the podcast, I explain everything.
So go listen now.
Can’t wait to read your reaction and comments below.