Tag Archives: the mary mac show

Grieving For HRH Queen Elizabeth II | The Mary Mac Show

There are only a handful of experiences in one’s life that we would consider significantly important.

And the death of the United Kingdom’s Her Royal Highness, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, is one of them.

While I’m not a citizen of the UK, my family heritage touches Scotland and Ireland and I feel a great affinity to the people of the UK and its monarch.

I’ve studied British History since I was a youngster having read countless biographies, watched documentaries and followed its good and not so good history.

Last year I created a commemorative episode to honor HRH Prince Philip after he died just shy of his 100th birthday. Ironically, he died on my birthday and I spent hours watching the tributes online and on television.

When his custom-made Range Rover was being driven to pick up his casket for the service, I was overcome by the beautiful music that the military band was playing. Here is a snapshot of when they played “I Vow to Thee, My Country” a beautifully solemn hymn:

And here is the episode I created when he passed on and the corresponding blog:

But on Thursday evening, 8th of September 2022, Her Majesty went on to be with her beloved husband almost one and one-half years after his death.

Only two days before, on Tuesday, she welcomed her 15th Prime Minister, Winston Churchill having been her first.

This week, in Episode 146, I remember HRH Queen Elizabeth II and the 96 years she graced this earth and the over 70 years she reigned and wore the Crown.

Her grieving four children, eight grandchildren and twelve great-grandchildren will forever remember her. And we send our condolences on the death of such a remarkable lady.

We also acknowledge all the citizens of the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth Realms who loved her especially those who served her in all capacities during her reign.

You, too, feel the loss and you should always recognize that your sadness is legitimate and honored.

A perfect testament is just by watching the crowds and how they waited to walk past her casket in Scotland and again in London. All the people who lined the streets and waited in line for nearly a day to enter into Westminster Hall to witness history.

My memory of the Queen was back in 1977 when I was fortunate to have visited London with my parents for her Silver Jubilee. We had gone to the theatre one evening and the cab driver pointed out that if we walked down the block, the queen would be coming out after the opera and we might catch a glimpse of her.

My father lifted my camera, and just kept clicking when her car slowly drove by and to our surprise when we returned home, we had gotten a perfect shot of her. I still have that photo and cherish it.

The lights were on in the car so everyone could see her and Prince Philip. She looked so beautiful, waving to everyone.

Another touching tribute was from Paddington Bear on her Platinum Jubilee earlier this year. When he said “Thank you for Everything”, well I was so overwhelmed because at 96 we really didn’t know how many more years we would have with her.

Take a look:

To everyone who is grieving the loss of a Monarch, Mother, Grandmother, GreatGrandmother and Friend, we send you our sympathies and love.

And to the new King Charles III and Camilla, Queen Consort we acknowledge a new reign and wish the very best to you.

A look at Her Majesty’s life:

Her funeral will be tomorrow, Monday 19th September 2022 at 11am British Time, 6am Eastern Time in the US. I will be watching with you.

Bless you, my friend,


The Mary Mac Show Encore | Grieving a World We Once Knew II

The Mary Mac Show PodcastIn Episode 135 Part I of “Grieving a World We Once Knew” we discussed the uncertainties in our world, inflation, pandemic issues, and how we must reevaluate what is important to us and how to cope when we have little control over our new world.

When we are dealing with a loved one’s death, it is expected that we will experience various challenges to our physical health, mental health, financial health, spiritual health and intellectual health.

And now that we have the additional stress, anxiety and possible overwhelm with our society changing at such a rapid pace, it is that much more important that we look at how it is affecting us in addition to the grief we feel for our loved one.

Don’t take this lightly.

It is imperative that you care for yourself and your family during these times.

We unfortunately do not have the luxury of only considering our bereavement. We are now tasked with learning how to fully care for ourselves in many way.

Listen in to Part II in Episode 136, to learn how to better prepare yourself for the times ahead.

Please take time to share your experiences and comments below so others can learn from you.

Stay Strong and Bless you my friend.

Additional Notes:

As you know I am a great believer in the power of the Emotional Freedom Technique.

Here are a few videos that I think will help you tremendously:
EFT Video for Grief after Death of a Loved One, EFT Video for Anxiety, EFT Video for Releasing Stress and Tension, and How to do Surrogate EFT.

Subscribe to Full Spectrum Survival, which gives important information on how to survive what we believe is up ahead for us. Learn as much as you can, as quickly as you can. And stock up on food, water and supplies.

If you need someone to chat with, don’t be shy. It’s totally confidential. Go to Crisis Connections page on my website MaryMac.info to find telephone numbers for Crisis Hotlines around the world.

As promised, here are some of the additional faith-based hotlines you can call for prayer and to calm you:

Trinity Broadcasting Network – TBN (714)731-1000
700 Club (800)759-0700
Joel Osteen Prayer Request (713)491-1283 or toll free at (888)567-5635
(I also enjoy Joel Osteen’s Daily Podcast)

If you need help finding people who will understand your exact pain, visit my Grief Resources page.

Visit GriefAuthority.com to purchase my Bundle of Hope Books which includes my book Understanding Your Grieving Heart After a Loved One’s death, the first and best book to reach for as you deal with your grief and How to Help a Grieving Child After a Loved One’s Death to help your surviving children.

You’re welcome to send your questions to the Contact page on my site.

You can obtain my free ebook entitled 21 Things You Must Know About The Grieving Process, available for immediate download right here on this site.

Please subscribe, rate and review on The Mary Mac Show website or Apple Podcasts!

Much Love,

The Mary Mac Show Encore | Grieving a World We Once Knew I

The Mary Mac Show Podcast

In Episode 135, I speak briefly about the grief we feel after the death of an individual and how that correlates to the grief we feel as a nation in light of all that is going on in our world today.

I first created this episode in the fall of 2020 and felt it was quite appropriate for all that is going on right now.

So much has happened in our world since then and life is getting more crazy with each passing day.

Oil prices have skyrocketed, inflation has caused food and products to sometimes double and even triple in price for less weight, energy prices to cool and heat our homes have increased, but wages have stayed stagnant.

The cost to own or rent a home or apartment is quickly pricing many out of shelter and with the increase in interest rates, those who once could obtain a mortgage can no longer do so.

People cannot afford to purchase a car or most large ticket items any longer and it is causing a serious struggle to just make ends meet.

And our ability to speak freely has been seriously curtailed in social media.

It is becoming increasingly obvious that life as we knew it before the pandemic will most likely never return again.

And with the United States government printing so much money it can’t pay back, it seems we are being pushed down an unnecessary road that leads to war with Russia and others.

None of this looks like it will end in the people’s favor.

People around the world know oppression and the inability to speak their mind. And, we too, are now having our free speech rights curtailed by those who wish to take our freedoms away.

I know people around the world who have lived in Socialist and Communist countries have experienced this grief – suppression of speech, personal freedoms and seen much violence leading to the death of family and friends.

Here, we are grieving for our nation as we are unaccustomed to having our liberties, property or lifestyle affected by those who don’t love our nation.

So if you’ve felt oppressed in your part of the world, you are welcomed to share your experiences and comments below.

With Love,

Mary Mac

The Mary Mac Show | Honoring Mothers

The Mary Mac Show Podcast

In Episode 127, we look at all the mothers and mother figures in our life and how their deaths have affected us as well as the grief felt by those who lost children and those waiting to be called “Mom”.

The pain we feel when our mothers die is severe especially if we had a wonderful relationship with them.

But, sometimes, our relationship wasn’t as we would expect and we struggle with the ‘what if’s’ and perhaps guilt that may bring.

Yet whatever the relationship, good or bad, that we had with her, we must forgive ourselves and even her for what you needed that she didn’t or couldn’t give you, for what you and she said to each other that stung, and all the unfinished business that might still linger that neither of you can do anything about anymore.

We also recognize all the mother figures – grandmothers, aunts, stepmothers, foster mothers, older female siblings and others – who raised you and cared for you if your Mom died younger than expected.

We also talk about bereaved mothers who have buried their child, children or even all their children.

Let us not forget all the fathers who raised children and became their mothers as a result of their wives’ deaths, incapacity or abandonment.

Lastly, we look at women who struggle to have children, those who miscarried or had a stillborn child, as well as those who deal with infertility and/or the knowledge that they may never have children of their own. We also remember women who are older now and wished they had children years ago when it was still possible, or those who never found the right husband to raise a family.

This can be a very melancholy day for some. Let us acknowledge them all.


Additional Notes:

To help bring you to emotional stability, visit Julie Schiffman’s youtube channel will teach you the Emotional Freedom Technique. Her videos calm your spirit and help you release emotional and physical pain as you move forward. She has many videos to chose from.

If you need to speak with someone who will understand your pain, visit my Crisis Connection page and find a Crisis Hotline near you. These amazing individuals are trained to help, so do take advantage of their knowledge and help.

Here are some meditation music to help you rest.

*To find a homeopathic doctor, visit here or here. Many offer phone consultations if you cannot find one in your area. They work with patients around the globe. You can also research in your area of the world.

Please share with anyone who may need to know this. Also subscribe, rate and review this podcast on whichever podcast platform you listened in.

Mary Mac Featured in Tuscawilla Today | February 2022

In January, the editor of Tuscawilla Today interviewed me about my work with the bereaved and my accomplishments over the last thirty-five years.

It was a wonderful afternoon with Elaine Johnson, its Editor and her husband, Ted. I was very grateful for their time.

The feature came out beautifully and was written so well.

Below is the two page piece, which I’m very happy to share with my listeners of The Mary Mac Show and those on my mailing list.

If you didn’t know much about me, perhaps you’ll take a few minutes to learn more about my life, its twists and turns and how I came to be involved in bereavement in the first place.

Thank you my Warriors for your continued support of my work.

Would love your comments below!