Category Archives: Emotional Challenges

The Mary Mac Show | Emotional Challenges | Loneliness and Isolation

The Mary Mac Show PodcastOne of the most difficult aspects of the grieving process is when we deal with loneliness, feeling alone and isolation to protect ourselves from further pain.

In Episode 13, we differentiate between being lonely and feeling alone. We can be around many people but still, inside, we feel alone.

As our grieving process proceeds, we sometimes believe it’s better to isolate ourselves because so many people just don’t understand what we are going through. They haven’t experienced the death of a spouse, parent, child or sibling. So they just can’t feel what you’re feeling.

Sometimes they don’t follow through on visiting us or doing something for us that they promised to do and we wonder why.

But at some point, whether we like it or not, we need to slowly move from our place of isolation and build a new life for ourselves. And even though that is so unfair, it is very unhealthy to linger in the pity-party stage.

Listen to Episode 13, so you can better understand these emotions and what to do to help yourself.

The Mary Mac Show | Emotional Challenges | Guilt and Regret

The Mary Mac Show PodcastIn Episode 11, we discuss the guilt and regret we feel after a loved one’s death and how to help soothe ourselves using the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT).

Some of the most painful emotions during the grieving process are dealing with those which we can’t change or make right. They may be real for us, or sometimes imagined.

But, nonetheless, they are still there and must be dealt with otherwise we carry a burden for months, maybe years, and feel there is no way to resolve it.

The Emotional Freedom Technique is an amazing way to help ourselves release this pain and other emotions so we can move forward during our journey.

There is no reason we must feel so burdened or stress any longer.

Go to the show notes and click on all links and learn about EFT, how it is done, and specific videos for guilt, regret and unforgiveness.

Listen into Episode 11 here.

The Mary Mac Show | Emotional Challenges | Anger

The Mary Mac Show PodcastIn Episode 9, we discuss who and what we feel anger toward after a loved one’s death and how to handle it so it will not affect our emotional and physical health.

Anger is one life’s most serious emotions and, especially after experiencing the death of a loved one, it can rise to unimaginable levels which do not serve us.

We may be angry at the person who died (oh, no say it isn’t so), people who did not treat our loved ones well and may have caused their death, others who intentionally took their life, and eventually anger at ourselves for what we may or may not have said or did which we regret.

Listen to Episode 9 to learn more about anger and how to reduce it so it will lessen the affect it can have on your emotional and physical health. Remember to read the show notes for valuable links.

The Mary Mac Show | Emotional Challenges | Stress

The Mary Mac Show PodcastIn Episode 8, we discuss the challenges surrounding stress while going through the grieving process.

We harbor stress from many different aspects of our life, but when we experience a loved one’s death, the stress levels can reach much higher proportions and unless checked can lead us to physical and emotional health challenges.

It is very important that you learn about stress while grieving and how to reduce it so you are more calm.

There are some things we can control and others we can’t. Learn the difference and be aware of how to alleviate stress during this serious time in your life.

Visit here to listen to Episode 8 and read the show notes for helpful links.

The Mary Mac Show | Are We Ever Prepared?

The Mary Mac Show PodcastNo matter when we ourselves die or when someone we love dies, are we ever truly prepared?

We might think if we had a longer time to think about our death or someone else’s, as in the case of a terminal or chronic illness, that somehow it will be easier because we expected it.

And we might think that if someone died suddenly from a tragic accident, murder, suicide, military or law enforcement death or natural disaster like hurricane, flood, etc., somehow that would be an even more difficult death to live with.

But chances are good, we won’t be satisfied with how they died or the timing of their death. We still want them here with us regardless how they died and when.

And if they were reckless, that adds to the drama.

One of the most important things I want this podcast to achieve is what I’ve always wanted for the people I’ve helped for over three decades. And that is to help you become more emotionally stable during your grieving process.

I want you to learn skills on how to help yourself function better.

In this episode I introduce you to Brad Yates, who practices EFT, the Emotional Freedom Technique, which I strongly recommend you learn for all your emotional needs. He has helped me tremendously over the years and you will be so amazed at what it can do for you! (More links in the show notes.)

Grief is messy but I want you to gain as much control as possible.

Visit here to listen to Episode 7 and please subscribe, rate and review at your favorite podcast portal.

Mostly, please share my podcast with those who need us.