Tag Archives: podcast

The Mary Mac Show | Grieving for an Emotionally or Physically Absent Parent

The Mary Mac Show Podcast

In Episode 76, we discuss the painful subject of grieving when a parent is emotionally or physically absent. They may still be with us or have died, yet the hurt lingers.

It can be especially painful when a parent is not truly connected to you.

Whether they died in childbirth, gave you up for adoption, was seriously impaired by drugs, alcohol or criminal behavior, you suffered from these circumstances.

And as you grew, you might have been neglected or raised by your Dad after your mother’s death, or your Mom after your father’s death.

You might have been raised by a grandparent or even a great-grandparent who took you in and did the best they could.

You might have been put in the foster care system shuffling back and forth among homes.

Whatever your life handed you to this point, it may not have been ideal and you might still harbor pain from your upbringing.

Feelings of resentment, anger, bitterness, sadness, loneliness and isolation may sit just under the surface and still affect you.

We address many of these hurts in episode 76 and I encourage you to not only listen in, but to look at the links below and begin to learn EFT, get help from a hotline when you need to talk and vent, and watch Marisa Peer’s videos on “I Am Enough” so you can begin the healing process.

Sometimes when we experience the death of a loved one, many other issues surface when we are in the grieving process. This may be one of them.

Bless you, my friend. My warrior!


Additional Notes:

Visit Crisis Connections at my website to telephone a trained counselor to speak with whenever you are feeling overwhelmed, confused, frightened, fearful or any host of emotions.

Learn the Emotional Freedom Technique here for Stress and Overwhelm. It will soothe you and calm you physically and emotionally. Also spend time in this guided meditation on Self Compassion, which we all need. Dr. Arianna also offers many wonderful tapping and guided-meditations to choose from based upon which is best for you.

You can watch Marissa Peer’s “I Am Enough” meditation.

Bach’s Rescue Remedy will calm and soothe you. Remember, it does have alcohol in if, if that is a concern for you.

Treat yourself to a lovely gift from our Heart of Gold “I Remember” Products from The Mary Mac Store.

Remember, a portion of all proceeds help fund The Foundation for Grieving Children, Inc., the first national non-profit public charity which benefits children, teens, young adults after a loved one’s death which I established many years ago.

And remember to sign up for my private list below, so we can always stay in touch. Since social media is no longer reliable, please complete the form below so I can connect with you via email.


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The Mary Mac Show | Mother’s Day

The Mary Mac Show Podcast

In Episode 75, we remember our mothers and mother figures who made an impact on our lives. We also discuss the pain of bereaved mothers, ladies who struggle to bear the title and those who will never be called “Mom.”

The pain from a mother’s death is often severe especially if we had a wonderful relationship with our Moms.

But, sometimes, our relationship wasn’t as we would expect and we struggle with the ‘what if’s’ and perhaps guilt that may bring.

Yet whatever the relationship, good or bad, that we had with her, we must forgive ourselves and even moreso her for what you needed that you didn’t get, for what you and she said to each other that stung, and all the unfinished business that might still linger that neither of you can do anything about anymore.

We also recognize all the mother figures who raised you and cared for you if your Mom died younger than expected.

And we also talk about bereaved mothers who have buried their child, children or even all their children.

Lastly, we look at women who struggle to have children, those who miscarried or had a stillborn child, as well as those who deal with infertility and/or the knowledge that they may never have children of their own. We also remember women who are older now and wished they had children years ago when it was still possible, or those who never found the right husband to raise a family.

This can be a very melancholy day for some. Let us acknowledge them all.

Listen in to Episode 75 here.

Additional Notes:

Visit Crisis Connections at my website to telephone a trained counselor to speak with whenever you are feeling overwhelmed, confused, frightened, fearful or any host of emotions.

Learn the Emotional Freedom Technique here for Stress and Overwhelm. It will soothe you and calm you physically and emotionally. Also spend time in this guided meditation on Self Compassion, which we all need. Dr. Arianna also offers many wonderful tapping and guided-meditations to choose from based upon which is best for you.

You can watch Marissa Peer’s “I Am Enough” meditation.

Bach’s Rescue Remedy will calm and soothe you. Remember, it does have alcohol in if, if that is a concern for you.

Treat yourself to a lovely gift from our Heart of Gold “I Remember” Products from The Mary Mac Store.

Remember, a portion of all proceeds help fund The Foundation for Grieving Children, Inc., the first national non-profit public charity which benefits children, teens, young adults after a loved one’s death which I established many years ago.

And remember to sign up for my private email list so we can always stay in touch, since social media is no longer reliable. Receive my ebook 21 Things You Must Know About The Grieving Process for immediate download.

Featured in American Bazaar to Reach India amid Covid Resurgence

In the spring and summer of 2020 here in the USA, we were going through an unprecedented lockdown which brought fear of the unknown to us.

At that time India had not yet heard of The Mary Mac Show.

But now, since my listeners in India have become my #2 audience in the world, only behind the USA, I wanted to reach out to the English speaking media in India to let them know that I had prepared many episodes on the coronavirus and how we are dealing with our grief when a loved one is dying or has died from this dreaded and sudden illness.

So I emailed 52 individual editors of newspapers in India and only one amazing lady saw the value of my work.

Hats off to Ms. Zofeen Maqsood of American Bazaar Online who understood how important it is to help the Indian people through their grief.

Thank you Zofeen for your kindness.

Go here to read the entire article!


The Mary Mac Show | Helping Children and Teens To Manage Stress

The Mary Mac Show Podcast

In Episode 74, we discuss the anxiety and stress our children and teens can face after a loved one’s death and how to help them deal with their difficulties and challenges.

Often times we think that children and teens do not have the same level of stress and anxiety as adults do in their grieving process.

But this is not the case.

Children and teens need to be attended to and supported while they are going through their own grieving process since, usually, they don’t understand what is going on with their emotional and physical challenges since the person has died.

It is important for adults to spend more time with their children and even young adults because it may be the first time they have experience a death and they need our love and attention.

Young children don’t have the language skills to describe what they are feeling and teens, often, don’t want to express themselves.

Listen in to Episode 74 to learn more about how children and teens deal with stress and how you can assist them during this very painful and perplexing time in their lives.

Additional Notes:

Visit Crisis Connections at my website to telephone a trained counselor to speak with whenever you are feeling overwhelmed, confused, frightened, fearful or any host of emotions.

Learn the Emotional Freedom Technique here for Stress and Overwhelm. It will soothe you and calm you physically and emotionally. Also spend time in this guided meditation on Self Compassion, which we all need. Dr. Arianna also offers many wonderful tapping and guided-meditations to choose from based upon which is best for you.

You can watch Marissa Peer’s “I Am Enough” meditation.

Visit the author’s website for all book on The 5 Love Languages. Always best to purchase books directly from the author. They worked hard to write and publish these wonderful works!

Bach’s Rescue Remedy will calm and soothe you. Remember, it does have alcohol in if, if that is a concern for you.

Treat yourself to a lovely gift from our Heart of Gold “I Remember” Products from The Mary Mac Store.

Remember, a portion of all proceeds help fund The Foundation for Grieving Children, Inc., the first national non-profit public charity which benefits children, teens, young adults after a loved one’s death which I established many years ago.

And remember to sign up for my private email list so we can always stay in touch, since social media is no longer reliable. Receive my ebook 21 Things You Must Know About The Grieving Process for immediate download.

The Mary Mac Show | Intellectual Challenges

The Mary Mac Show Podcast

In Episode 73, we discuss the various intellectual challenges we go through after the death of a loved one and ways to help ourselves cope through these challenges.

When we have a significant loss, we find ourselves in what one would consider a ‘fog’ or ‘bubble’ at the beginning of our grief.

It is during that time when we feel enveloped in a sort of safety net where we are protected.

We do many things on autopilot and at times are unsure how we did all we did.

Sometimes we are going through the motions, like driving our car to work and can’t remember how we got there. It all seems so unreal.

And when the bubble or fog is slowly lifting we might feel even worse because we can’t convince ourselves any longer that this was all a nightmare.

It is then we realize this is very real.

Listen in to Episode 73 to learn more.


Additional Notes:

For my friends in India and elsewhere around the world who are seeing another wave of the Coronavirus, please listen in to the following episodes at The Mary Mac Show website which I recorded in 2020 when we were in locked down in the USA – Episodes 16-22 and 39 and 52.

Visit Crisis Connections at my website to telephone a trained counselor to speak with whenever you are feeling overwhelmed, confused, frightened, fearful or any host of emotions.

Learn the Emotional Freedom Technique here for Stress and Overwhelm. It will soothe you and calm you physically and emotionally. Also spend time in this guided meditation on Self Compassion, which we all need. Dr. Arianna also offers many wonderful tapping and guided-meditations to choose from based upon which is best for you.

You can watch Marissa Peer’s “I Am Enough” meditation.

Bach’s Rescue Remedy will calm and soothe you. Remember, it does have alcohol in if, if that is a concern for you.

Treat yourself to a lovely gift from our Heart of Gold “I Remember” Products from The Mary Mac Store.

Remember, a portion of all proceeds help fund The Foundation for Grieving Children, Inc., the first national non-profit public charity which benefits children, teens, young adults after a loved one’s death which I established many years ago.

And remember to sign up for my private email list so we can always stay in touch, since social media is no longer reliable. Receive my ebook 21 Things You Must Know About The Grieving Process for immediate download.