Tag Archives: bereavement

The Mary Mac Show | Helping Children and Teens Cope with Grief

The Mary Mac Show Podcast

In Episode 134, we discuss what children and teens experience when dealing with their grief after a loved one’s death and how to help them navigate through this pain.

Many adults believe that if we just put children and teens back into their regular routine, they will be fine.

But this is not the case.

Children and teens need to be supported emotionally, just as you do. They deal with all the pain and physical symptoms that you do.

They need our love, time and especially our attention and understanding as they move through their own grieving process.

Unfortunately, most adults don’t know what young people are going through after a loved one’s death, unless the adult had had this experience when they were young.

Adults are usually so focused on their own grief and the organization of a funeral as well as considering the finances of the household, that they don’t pay as close attention to the young people who look to them for comfort and guidance.

It is important for adults to spend more time with their children and even young adults because it may be the first time they have experience a death and they need our love and attention.

Young children don’t have the language skills to describe what they are feeling and teens, often, don’t want to express themselves.

Listen in to Episode 134 to learn more about how children and teens deal with such a painful time in their lives.

Much Love,

Additional Notes:

Visit Crisis Connections at my website to telephone a trained counselor to speak with whenever you are feeling overwhelmed, confused, frightened, fearful or any host of emotions.

Learn the Emotional Freedom Technique here for Moving Forward in Grief. It will soothe you and calm you physically and emotionally.

You can watch Marissa Peer’s “I Am Enough” meditation.

Visit the author’s website for all books on The 5 Love Languages. Always best to purchase books directly from the author. They worked hard to write and publish these wonderful works!

Treat yourself to a lovely gift from our Heart of Gold “I Remember” Products from The Mary Mac Store.

Remember, a portion of all proceeds help fund The Foundation for Grieving Children, Inc., the first national non-profit public charity which benefits children, teens, young adults after a loved one’s death which I established many years ago.

And remember to pick up my free ebook 21 Things You Must Know About The Grieving Process, and you’ll automatically be signed up for my private email list so we can always stay in touch, since social media is no longer reliable.

The Mary Mac Show | Honoring Fathers

The Mary Mac Show Podcast

In Episode 133, we remember our father and father figures who made an impact on our lives. We also discuss the pain of bereaved fathers, and fathers whose wives are struggling to bear children and fear they will never be called “Dad.”

The pain from a father’s death is often severe especially if we had a wonderful relationship with our Dads.

But, sometimes, our relationship wasn’t as we would expect and we struggle with the ‘what if’s’ and perhaps guilt that may bring.

Yet whatever the relationship, good or bad, that we had with him, we must forgive ourselves and even moreso him for what you needed that you didn’t get, for what you and he said to each other that stung, and all the unfinished business that might still linger that neither of you can do anything about anymore.

We also recognize all the father figures who raised you and cared for you if your Dad died younger than expected.

And we also talk about bereaved fathers who have buried their child, children or even all their children.

Lastly, we look at men who struggle to have children with their wives, those who experience a miscarriage or stillborn child, as well as those who deal with infertility and/or the knowledge that they may never have children of their own. We also remember men who are older now and wished they had children years ago when it was more practical, or those who never found the right women to raise a family.

This can be a very melancholy day for some. Let us acknowledge them all.

Additional Notes:

To learn more about me, visit www.MaryMac.info.

Visit Crisis Connections here on my website to telephone a trained counselor to speak with whenever you are feeling overwhelmed, confused, frightened, fearful or any host of emotions.

Use the Emotional Freedom Technique for Healing.

You can watch Marissa Peer’s “I Am Enough” meditation.

Treat yourself to a lovely gift from our Heart of Gold “I Remember” Products from The Mary Mac Store.

Remember, a portion of all proceeds help fund The Foundation for Grieving Children, Inc., the first national non-profit public charity which benefits children, teens, young adults after a loved one’s death which I established many years ago.

And remember when you sign up to receive my free ebook, 21 Things You Must Know About The Grieving Process, you will be automatically signed up for my private email list so we can always stay in touch, since social media is no longer reliable.

Much Love,


The Mary Mac Show | It’s Not The Weapon

Throughout the world we have seen a significant rise in violence. Usually when a murder occurs, the police or homicide detective first look toward those closest to the victim.

But, at least in the United States over the past year and a half, we have seen an over 30% or more increase in homicides in major as well as smaller cities here.

Whether it’s a mass shooting of random people in churches, synagogues, grocery stores, movie theatres, schools or a drive by shooting killing young children just simply playing in the neighborhood playground, the randomness of these crimes doesn’t allow anyone to feel safe.

But politicians, who ‘give their thoughts and prayers’ don’t have anything to offer except a new law to curtail the rights of our citizens to protect themselves from these violent criminals.

In Episode 132, we take on this controversial subject and help you understand, from my perspective of having experienced the murder of a loved one, that no matter what law we already have on the books which is not being upheld, to a new one, there is so much more that needs to be considered here.

Listen in to learn what families go through after they’ve experienced a loved one’s murder and how it’s never the weapon but the intent.

Additional Notes:

If you’ve experienced the murder of a loved one, please reach out to Parents of Murdered Children to find a chapter or contact person near you for support.

The Mary Mac Show | Death of Guru’s Cousin

In Episode 131, I welcome Guru (E.L. Briscoe) of the Guru Talking Sports podcast to discuss the death of his co-host and cousin Aaron and how it is affecting him.

Guru and I have been developing a lovely relationship between fellow podcasters, sharing information and advice and when he told me about the death of his cousin, Aaron, I offered to discuss their relationship and Guru’s loss on my show.

In his Episodes 113 and 114, he honors his cousin and co-host with several audio clips when Aaron was on the show.

We also got to discuss our love of sports and laugh during our time together, something I haven’t had an opportunity to do on my podcast since I’m usually in teaching mode.

You can also visit here – https://www.spreaker.com/show/guru-briscoes-podcast – to listen in to his weekly podcast. He is a wealth of information and candidly shares his opinion on everything sports.


The Mary Mac Show | Memorial Day | Honoring Our Bravest

276240_100000410189176_563033050_nIn Episode 130, we honor the memory of those who were killed in the military and how we are affected by their deaths.

Each year when this day rolls around, I am reminded of all the sacrifice a family makes when their loved one goes away to protect the freedoms citizens of all countries enjoy each day.

And while I’m so amazed at what it takes to be in the military and fight overseas with the constant threat of being killed, if they’re in a combat situation, I feel it’s also important to recognize the sacrifices a family makes throughout the entire tour.

A spouse who is left to raise a young family by themselves perhaps on a military base. The inadequate stipend they are given to raise that family. The increased level of responsibility they must endure.

And if their beloved is killed, they are left to raise that family alone.

Today I salute not only the veterans and remember all those who were killed to secure our freedoms, but for all the family members who are or have grieved a military family member’s death and the difficult road to recovery on an emotional as well as financial level.

I salute you!

Additional Notes:

To help bring you to emotional stability, visit Julie Schiffman’s youtube channel will teach you the Emotional Freedom Technique. Her videos calm your spirit and help you release emotional and physical pain as you move forward. She has many videos to chose from.

If you need to speak with someone who will understand your pain, visit my Crisis Connection page and find a Crisis Hotline near you. These amazing individuals are trained to help, so do take advantage of their knowledge and help.

Here are some meditation music to help you rest.

You can order your Bach’s Rescue Remedy by clicking on the link on this site to calm you. Remember, these do have alcohol in them.

I use the Rescue Remedy 20ml drops but they have spray and other versions which might work better for you. And…they also have products to calm pets, too.

*To find a homeopathic doctor, visit here or here. Many offer phone consultations if you cannot find one in your area. They work with patients around the globe. You can also research in your area of the world.

Please share my podcast with anyone who may need to know this. Also rate and review this podcast on whichever podcast platform you listened in.
